Rules – it’s Germany after all
- You should not have performed more than 10 stand-up comedy shows before 18 May 2023, in any language, paid or unpaid. There may be exceptions, please get in touch
- You must be a current resident of Germany, and have been for at least 3 months
- Your material must be in English
- You must be available for 1 heat, 1 semi-final and the finals, don’t assume you won’t do well!
- You must not be considered a professional act. If you regularly do solo shows & tours, this might not be for you. Please get in touch
- Your material must be completely original
- You must have 5 minutes of material for the heats, 6 for the semis and 7 for the finals. It’s fine to re-use material per round
- Organisers have the right to refuse entry to the competition for any reason